In the rapidly evolving landscape of web development, a significant shift is taking place. Traditional hard-code strategies are giving way to new gen low-code, and no-code technologies, revolutionizing the way businesses and teams approach website creation. 

This trend is not just a fleeting fad but a strategic transformation that empowers organizations to launch projects faster and reduce dependency on extensive development cycles. Among these emerging platforms, Webflow stands out as a leading solution, enabling users to design, build, and launch websites with unprecedented ease and efficiency. By embracing tools like Webflow, businesses can significantly accelerate their digital initiatives, foster greater creativity, and gain a competitive edge in an increasingly fast-paced market.

The Challenge

The shift from traditional development methods to embracing no-code and low-code strategies is influenced by several key factors, driving teams and companies to rethink their approach to web development.

What factors influence teams when making a decision?

  • Functionality and limitations (does the platform meet the goals and objectives of the project? What are the limitations?)
  • Availability of training (how quickly to get the necessary knowledge and skills)
  • Speed ​​of development (times for production of new landing pages)
  • Product scaling (entering new markets)
  • Marketing (does the platform have the tools to implement marketing tasks? Are integrations with the necessary services available?)

Change of strategy in favor of Less Code 

In accordance with the goals, businesses are looking for a platform that would not limit them in terms of functionality, allowing to create web interfaces of any complexity.  The main goal is to find a platform that allows you to launch a product just as quickly, but at the same time does not limit the business and teams in the way that No Code tools do. On the list of alternatives, Webflow came to the top very quickly. 

Why Webflow? 

Webflow is an all-in-one platform with the ability to visually edit code, create any custom design, and optimize your digital product for SEO and marketing goals. Create stunning web interfaces, landing pages, large corporate sites, blogs or e-commerce projects super fast and high quality.

To understand why Webflow is being chosen by more and more designers, companies and product teams, let's take a look at the platform's key benefits.

Advantages of Webflow 

  • Accessibility. Almost all the functionality of the platform is available for free testing until the project is published. The exception is the <custom code> integration functionality.
  • Interface. Manage your site in a convenient graphical interface with access to both the design and the database. Design and create landing pages in the Webflow Designer interface, or edit content using the Webflow Editor. This will enable teams to work more efficiently on a joint project. For example: while the designer deals with the layout, the content marketer works on the content.
  • Flexibility. Forget templates and look-alike sites. Thanks to the combination of HTML tags + CSS styles, you can create any custom design. Transfer your layout from Figma without any obstacles or restrictions.
  • Adaptive weaver.  Create an adaptive layout with incredible speed (10x faster than analogues) thanks to auto scale. Prepare your desktop layout and make minimal changes to the rest of the breakpoints.
  • Webflow CMS. Create databases and CMS product collections in a few clicks. Manage and edit content on hundreds of pages simultaneously. Automate this data update without involving developers.
  • Living Style Guide.  The place where your design, CSS styles, elements and components live. Set the necessary parameters only once and use them throughout the project, thus saving time for the development of new pages.
  • Custom code. Connect any libraries from GitHub, configure custom functions for individual elements of your project, thanks to the <custome code> function. Extend the capabilities of your site without involving developers. Save time and release new functionality faster.
  • SEO friendly. In addition to the default SEO settings of your project, Webflow additionally offers the automatic creation of a sitemap as well as meta tags for blog posts. In addition, Webflow has an in-build notification system for errors on the page, which you can view in the Audit panel.
  • 860+ ready-made integrations. Webflow easily integrates with popular services, advertising cabinets, social networks and analytics trackers. Set up forms, automatic mailings and more in a few clicks. 


Tools like Webflow open up new opportunities for businesses, product teams, and designers. The development process becomes less and less limited, while the speed of product launch remains the same. 

Combined with previous experience, this is still a small change, but with the right combination and sequence of such tools, it is enough that we will soon see changes in the market for digital products and creative professions.  

Those startups and businesses that choose a new vector of strategy may one day become giants in this field.